

EK is able to provide a variety of financial programs and merchant related services to its customers and clients. These Programs are as diverse as its client’s needs require. EK has the ability to deliver superior technology based operating platforms to provide state of the art security and compliance as well as streamlined efficiency for Programs outlined below.

•             Domestic and International Paymaster Services
EK can custom design and implement paymaster services for any size company to compensate employees and agents domestically and internationally without the cost and delay of traditional paper settlement. Each employee or agent will be issued a reloadable prepaid debit card which can be loaded electronically from a single batch file by the company and delivered electronically to the individual employee or agent anywhere in the world. The debit card can then be used by the employee or agent up to the deposited amount at any ATM that accepts Visa worldwide to withdraw funds, or may be used as a payment vehicle for individual transactions or purchases. The same card can also be used to provide expenses to employees or agents abroad. Because the card can only be used up to the amount loaded to the card, this eliminates any concern of exceeding spending limits. And, all transactions are tracked “real time” for verification and accounting reliability with instant reporting capability.

•             Merchant Acquiring and Transaction Processing
EK can provide turnkey merchant processing and Gateway systems to financial institutions. EK custom designs and implements each System to allow merchant acceptance and processing of Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express transactions through a single portal both domestically and internationally.
The following specific services are provided:
- Evaluation of existing financial institution data systems and integration compatibility with processing partner.
- Processing of all Merchant Applications through the financial institution for acceptance of Visa, MasterCard, American Express and specifically introducing Discover network to the Country.
- Establishing and creating all Compliance documentation and policies for the financial institution, including Data Protection, Integrated Risk and Fraud, Regulatory and Industry Compliance requirements according to the program design.
- Establishment of contractual relationships and negotiation of rates of service with all required Program participants, including MasterCard, Visa, American Express & Discover in the Merchant Processing value chain to bank program sponsorship, processor setup, fee structure and merchant management.
- Analyze and review infrastructure of POS terminals, telephone connections & Internet stability, and discern the ability to upgrade from the current units in place with one specific terminal which allow for the processing of all cards, including MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover and most Chip & Pin card issued.
- Provide complete Program infrastructure for easy transition to the new Gateway system, with management teams trained throughout the establishment process to fully understand the requirements to maintain a successful program. This will include knowledge of merchant management, multiple brand options, authorization services, fraud and compliance management, browser-based access tools for merchant/customer support services, internet support and related e-commerce solutions.

•             High Risk Transaction Processing
EK can assist both financial institutions and clients seeking to engage in the processing of “High Risk” financial transactions both domestically and internationally. EK maintains relationships with processors who are both experienced and fully compliant in all aspects of the processing of High Risk transactions.
These services include:
- Evaluation of existing data systems and integration compatibility with a processing partner.
- Establishment and creation of all Compliance documentation and policies for the client or financial institution, including Data Protection, Integrated Risk and Fraud management, Regulatory and Industry Compliance requirements as required.
- Negotiation of rates and establishment of all contractual relationships with the required Program participants, including the processor relationship from setup through implementation ensuring long term and cost effective rates.
- Reviewing, monitoring and supporting the processing Program to ensure profitability and success.

•             Prepaid Reloadable Stored Value Card Programs
EK’s works with partner’s who are Visa certified ISO ‘s who can provide services as a Program Manager to deliver to its clients the technical know-how and resources necessary to establish a Prepaid Debit Card Program.
These services include:
- Designing and developing a Visa and/or MasterCard branded prepaid reloadable debit card program suited to the particular needs of the client as well as the demographics and target markets to be addressed.
- Processing of all applications and Program Information Forms (PIF) through Visa, MasterCard, Star or Discover networks as identified by the Program as designed.
- Establishing and creating all Compliance documentation and policies for the Program, including Data Protection, Integrated Risk and Fraud protection, Regulatory and Industry Compliance requirements according to the Program design.
- Negotiate and establish all contractual relationships with the required Program participants in the prepaid value chain such as financial institution program sponsorship, card processor setup, fee structure, card management and fulfillment.
- Providing complete Program Infrastructure including card inventory and security issues, multiple funding options, authorization services, fraud and compliance management, browser-based access tools to cardholder/customer support services, internet support and related e-commerce solutions.
- Delivery of a fully functional interactive website that provides for internet based marketing of cards, customer activation of cards, access to real time account information, and card services in multiple languages.
- Establishing a customer service network for cardholders.
- Delivering a prepaid reloadable debit card sponsored by a financial institution designed to the client’s specifications and/or desired artwork for the purposes defined in the Program, including payroll and/or general spend purposes that can be used by customers worldwide.
- Creation of a retail sales program and Merchant acceptance solution for point of sale transactions, including localized discount and rewards value added services as well as worldwide discounts and rewards.
- Providing processing services through its strategic partners with real time reporting and access to all financial data throughout the life cycle of the Program.
Finally, EK provides ongoing support for the operation of each Program for its full life cycle in both open- and closed-loop product types, including:
- Program management (establishment of business rules, processes and pricing)
- Customer, card, and account creation and management
- Funding (value loading) procedures
- Flexible transaction acquiring and routing
- Authorization, clearing and settlement
- Activity reporting and statement generation
- Customer dispute management
- Payroll and General Spend program management
- Inactive accounts and breakage management
- Fraud detection and prevention

•             Co-Branding
EasyKard Inc. can present businesses with the opportunity to brand their very own general purpose spend card with their company logos. Co-branding is a competitive marketing strategy that not only serves as a wallet sized billboard, but also as a vehicle to provide discounts and member specific rewards to cardholders. Whether intended for business associates, employees, referral partners or a token of gratitude for your customers, your co-branded Prepaid Visa Card is a superior vehicle for delivering your company’s promotional and marketing materials to your customers. Co-branding is also a great way to increase brand awareness and customer loyalty in a convenient and profitable manner.

•             Coupon and Rewards Feature
EasyKard Inc., and its strategic partner RAM are preparing to launch a revolutionary coupon and rewards redemption feature that will be employed through the use of the Prepaid Card. This value added feature can increase the frequency of purchases, referrals and also retain customers and employees for your business. RAMS platform incorporates online traditional e-commerce management with E-Loyalty, E-Rewards, and pre and post paid card and virtual wallet services. All of this provided on one unique management software platform and usable for all industries globally.
A coupon and rewards program can assist your business in capturing invaluable information about your business and your valued customers, and brings your customer retention initiatives and processes to a whole new level. Let us show you how a customized coupon and reward program can help your business grow and prosper in the e-commerce world.




Easykard Inc is a California Corporation, licensed in the State of California
2008 to 2010, Company Number 3041206